At Villa Montessori, we believe that relationships are built from strong connections – between us and the children in our care, between classmates, between families, and between children and their environment.
The Villa Montessori Approach
The Villa Montessori approach seeks connections between two educational philosophies – that of Maria Montessori, and the early childhood programs developed in Reggio Emilia, Italy. We have discovered that each philosophy is an extension of the other and provides us the opportunity to help our children develop more holistically, which in turn allows them to have a richer and deeper understanding of their environment and how they fit within it.
Together, Montessori and Reggio create S.T.E.A.M. a new concept in the field of Early Childhood Education. From inception, both Montessori and Reggio have incorporated science, technology, engineering, art, and math as core components of their respective curriculum. Our unique approach at Villa Montessori blends these concepts to better connect a child to their peers, their families, their environment and their educational experiences.
Science is explored daily – motivating children to question and hypothesize about the world they live in.
Technology begins at the light table and is integrated into the investigation of science.
Engineering is introduced with the Montessori Sensorial materials and then expanded upon in Reggio through provocations that are set up for invention.
Art is discovered both in the study of the Masters (Monet, Van Gogh, Klimt, Magritte, etc.) and with hands-on exploration of various artistic outlets and media.
Math success is instilled early in Montessori leading a child from concrete computations to the abstract.